Hello What ? Non Hello Watts

Hello What? No Hello Watts

The first important thing to optimize your energy consumption is to be aware of it. Indeed, far too many households discover their energy bill with despair at the end of the year. But then it's too late, all that's left to do is pay the bill. While with regular monitoring, it is possible to take the necessary measures.

If in the past it was necessary to invest in a device allowing us to monitor our energy consumption, connected meters like Linky have now made this easier: the data reported to Enedis can be used, and many companies offer to analyze them to help you optimize your consumption and thus save on your electricity bill, but also your gas bill.

This is the case of Hello Watt, which offers a mobile application to easily track your electricity consumption: simply install the application, create an account, then indicate your address. From there the service is able to find the number of our meter and the associated data (if this is not the case, simply enter it by retrieving it directly on the electric meter screen).

It is also possible to complete some information about your home, so that the application can compare us to other equivalent homes (surface area, occupants, region). A good way to know where you are, if your consumption is normal or too high (or too low!).

You can therefore monitor your consumption day by day, by month, etc. but also have a little more detailed data on the types of devices participating in this consumption, based on statistics from households similar to yours.

A Hello Watt skill for Alexa

Hello Watt presents the first Skill allowing you to track your energy consumption from day to day

day and view at a glance its consumption in kWh, euros and CO₂ emissions.

In the Alexa application, simply search for the Hellowatt Skill, then associate your account: In a few minutes, we access our monthly consumption, our daily consumption and hour by hour. We can also consult the analysis of our consumption by use (heating, hot water, etc.) and thus better control our expenses and our environmental impact.

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